
Introducing the website

The entire content of the website Just-P2P (hereinafter referred to as the « Website ») is part of a personal website on financial independence. On the Website, I discuss various types of investment that involve a significant risk of loss. Like everything else I write, I’m simply sharing my ideas and experience. Consequently, nothing on this Website can be compared to financial advice.

You are individually responsible for doing your own research before investing.

I do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information it contains and I accept no responsibility for any use readers may make of it. Each reader must consider themselves responsible for the risks of their investments and for the use they make of the information contained in this Website. Each product mentioned on the Website may involve risks and it is recommended that you only allocate a limited portion of your savings to them.

You should seek the help of a financial advisor before making any decisions.

The ideas, concepts and everything I write are simply my opinion based on what I’ve studied and almost always tried myself. I hope you can benefit from my experience and improve your financial situation too. But I make no guarantee that I can provide all the information you need to make an investment decision.

This Website does not provide advice

I am not an investment adviser. None of the opinions expressed and the written information should be considered as a solicitation for investment. These suggestions do not constitute an offer or an invitation to buy or sell on the financial markets. The Website is updated without a predetermined schedule. It should not be considered as a publishing product of any kind.

The Website Just-P2P is not a financial journal and has no intention of becoming one.

I cannot be held responsible for the inaccuracy of the instructions contained in the pages of the Website, nor for any errors, failures or delays that may be caused by the information it contains. Furthermore, the reader shall not hold me responsible for any loss, damage or injury resulting from reading the Website or using the information contained therein.

Do Your Own Research

You alone are responsible for your choices. Nevertheless, I would be happy to help and answer readers’ questions, knowing that these answers will be based on my experience, from the limited information you have given me. However, I am not an investment adviser, nor do I aspire to become one. Furthermore, I cannot know the personal financial situation of any of my readers.

I invite you to read other sources to compare and decide what seems best suited to your personal situation.

I cannot be held responsible in cases where the subjects and tools discussed are used by a reader in a country where such use would be contrary to local laws. Similarly, I am not responsible for what is published by users in the comments, nor for the websites that are highlighted, as their content may change over time.

If any content is deemed to infringe someone’s rights, simply report it to me using my contact form nd I will remove it immediately.

Affiliate links

Some of the links on the Website Just-P2P lead to affiliate programmes. This means that if you buy a product or service via one of these links, I can receive a commission that rewards me in some way for my work in analysing and writing about the various subjects covered on the Website. Going through one of these links in no way influences the price of the product or service, as it is subtracted from, and never added to, the final price.

You won’t pay more when you buy a product via my link.

It is always your choice whether or not to buy using one of my affiliate links. You are under no obligation to do so and can simply go directly to the supplier of the product or service. I am not responsible for purchases made from third party websites, nor for any loss, damage or problems arising from their use.

You are responsible for the relationship you establish with third-party websites.

As a general rule, I only recommend products and services that I trust. I test products and services as best I can and only give high marks to the best. However, the opinions expressed are necessarily subjective and therefore biased by my own judgement. Please note that these companies have not given me any product, service or anything else in exchange for their mention on the Website. My only retribution is in the form of affiliate commissions.

In any case, the use of affiliate links in no way alters my content.

Images used in the Website

Some of the images on the Website are taken from the Internet (only when they are considered to be in the public domain). If, however, their publication infringes copyright, please let me know using my contact form and they will be removed immediately.

The cooperation of readers in keeping the Website up to date will always be appreciated.

