How can you generate a REAL
passive income each month ?

flèche No mystery ! It’s simply called crowdlending

flèche I’ve been investing for 5 years on few platforms

flèche I earn more than €1000 in 30 minutes each month

flèche I show you how to do so with my 5 videos

flèche And in just 74 minutes you are 100% autonomous

More than just rhetoric.

I film my screen and we start together from scratch. I show you how I sign up for the crowdlending platform and how I set it up to get my passive income.

I have nothing to sell.

No training proposal will follow your registration. This is not my business model and for the moment I am simply looking to build a small community of entrepreneurs and investors by accompanying them in real life. By the way…

A word on who I am

My first name is Silvere, and I am looking for a form of freedom that implies acquiring some financial independence. That’s why I’ve been interested in automated income generation, remote work and expatriation in general for a few years.

As a child, I wanted to be a teacher. I love to pass on my knowledge in a pedagogical way and thus enable another person to move forward in his or her life, whether personally or professionally. This blog is therefore an opportunity for me to pass on my experience, and why not, to learn from the people with whom I will share a part of the road.

On my blog, you will find information on the main platforms I invest in : Mintos, PeerBerry, Swaper, Iuvo Group, Robocash, Lendermarket and Esketit. But you can also check my P2P lending rating where there are already more than fifteen platforms listed.